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Sample ČGL certificate

Diamond processing

The price of a diamond has been directly proportional to its weight for hundreds of years. Jewellery was set only with rough diamonds. It was the only way because nobody was able to cut and work a diamond. It changed in the 14th and 15th century. The Belgian, Lodewijk van Bercken discovered the process of cutting one diamond by using another. Nowadays a common rule is that a diamond loses approximately half of its rough weight before it is set into jewellery.

The weight of a diamond is always given in carats and the international abbreviation, ct is used. The weight is indicated in certificates with 2 decimal places. Measurement is done with an accuracy of 3 decimal places. The second decimal place can only be rounded up if the third decimal place is 9.

Sample GIA certificate

Prospectors carefully scrutinize extinct volcanoes, river beds and sandy coastal areas. To get one carat (0.2 gram) of diamonds it is necessary to mine 250 tons of rock, sand or soil in average. For this reason diamonds are so precious.

The diamond is the only gemstone that occurs in all shades of colour but the most common colours (after cutting) are from white to yellow. An international rating system from “D” to “Z” was developed for these basic colours. The whiter the shade of the stone, the closer the mark of the stone is to the beginning of the alphabet.

Sample HRD certificate

World’s famous diamonds deposits

The modern brilliant cut is based on optical calculations focusing on maximizing the beauty of a diamond that comes as a result of its brilliance and dispersion.

A handful of diamonds are very famous today for their unbelievable history and enormous size.

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